What is a Notice of Meeting?

What is a Notice of Meeting?

July 23, 2019

A notice is sent to shareholders of a company or the directors of the company, stating the date, time and venue of shareholders meeting or board of directors meeting. A notice of meeting must be effected or circulated 14days before the meeting except where members agree on a shorter date and such notice must state the purpose of the meeting e.g NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. It also must state the businesses to be transacted and resolutions to be passed.


  • Shareholders
  • Directors
  • Secretaries
  • Auditors

For meetings like the annual general meeting, failure to give such notice can invalidate the result of such meeting. When notice of meeting is circulated and such notice cannot be denied, a member cannot set aside the result of such meeting.

Notice of meetings must be served personally on the member or director or at his/her address or whatever means as may be agreed by the members, stating the purpose of the meeting explicitly so as to enable the receiver decide on his/her attendance.

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