What are the products/industries eligible for Pioneer Status Incentive in Nigeria?

What are the products/industries eligible for Pioneer Status Incentive in Nigeria?

October 25, 2019

Pioneer status incentive is a tax holiday given to companies for a period of time to encourage the growth and development of the Nigerian economy. A new company or an existing company with an expansion plan may apply for the Pioneer Status Incentive which lasts for 3 years and is renewable upon application for 2 more years. The Industries/products that are entitled to the Pioneer Status Incentive are;

  1. Industries that engage in cultivation, Processing and Preservation of food crops and fruits.
  2. Integrated dairy production.
  3. Deep sea trawling and processing, Coastal fishing and shrimping.
  4. Mining lead, zinc, and iron and steel from iron ore.
  5. Manufacture of iron and steel from Iron ore,the smelting and refining of non-ferrous base metal and the manufacture of their alloys.
  6. Mining and processing of barytes, bentonites and associated minerals.
  7. Manufacture of oil well drilling materials containing a predominant proportion of Nigerian raw materials.
  8. The manufacture of cement,Manufacture of glass and glassware.
  9. Manufacture of lime from local limestone
  10. Quarrying and processing of marbles.
  11. Manufacture of ceramic products.
  12. Manufacture of basic and intermediate.
  13. Formulation and manufacture of pharmaceuticals.
  14. Manufacture of yeast, alcohol and related products.
  15. Manufacture of paper pulp.
  16. Manufacture of yarn and man-made fibres.

618 Bees can help you quickly and easily obtain this Incentive. Log on to our website www.618bees.comor email hello@618bees.com, or give us a call on +2349017190079. 618 Bees will complete your application with the NIPC.



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  • What additional documents do I require to file my Annual Returns?
  • Do I need a Company Secretary?

    A limited liability company (LLC) must not have a company secretary.

  • What are the terms of a contract?
    • an offer and an acceptance.
    • competent parties
    • Consideration
    • Legal subject matter
    • Mutual agreement/ Assent
    • Conesus ad idem
    • Obligation
  • When can I start renewal of the registration of my product(s) with NAFDAC?

    You can start renewal 6 months to the date of expiry.

  • Is it legal to transfer the personal data you obtained legally to another person?

    No, its not legal. This is because the law prohibits anyone from transferring the data of a third party to another person without consent from the third party to do same even if the data was rightfully obtained in the first instance.

  • What is the basic criteria for registering a Design?

    The design must be new and original. This means that it must be a unique design not similar to an already existing design.

  • Do I have to physically drop off my product sample at NAFDAC office?

    No, you can choose to have it sent to NAFDAC office

  • What’s the difference between a business name and an LLC?
    • A business name is a sole proprietorship, usually owned and managed by one individual only. Legally, the sole proprietor and his business are one. It simply means an individual trading with an alias. The sole proprietor is personally liable for all business related obligations.

    • A limited liability company on the other hand is a separate business entity from the individuals that hold its shares and act as directors. Legally, it’s a separate business entity and a person on its own who can transact business, own property separate from its owners and can sue or be sued. 

  • Does a trademark search automatically reserve my trademark name?

    No, a trademark search does not automatically reserve that which is sought to be trademarked. A search ascertains whether that which is sought to be trademarked is available or violates any existing trademark.

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