Virtual Meeting Etiquette
According to Colaric, the key to a successful video conference or phone conference meeting is to remember that you are in a meeting and to give full attention to the participants as you would if you were in the same room. Colaric also advises that participants should avoid web surfing, texting, email, eating and drinking.”
A good rule of thumb suggested by Colaric says, “Always assume when you walk into the room that the microphones are already live to other locations! This helps prevent any extraneous pre-meeting conversation from being broadcast when you might not intend it to.”
It’s important for participants at virtual meetings to make eye contact by looking into the camera. It will make conversation among the participants more natural. The following is a quick cheat sheet on etiquette:
The 8 Do’s of Video Conferencing Etiquette
- Do be courteous to other participants.
- Do speak clearly.
- Do keep body movements minimal.
- Do move and gesture slowly and naturally.
- Do maintain eye contact by looking into the camera.
- Do dress appropriately.
- Do make the session animated.
- Do be yourself and have fun.
The 7 Don’ts of Video Conferencing Etiquette
- Don’t make distracting sounds.
- Don’t shout.
- Don’t make distracting movements.
- Don’t interrupt other speakers.
- Don’t carry on side conversations.
- Don’t wear “noisy” jewelry.
- Don’t cover the microphone
Team 618 Bees
Source: St. Leo University Office of Information Technology,
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